How to filter according to length and build a new datatable


i m having a column Post area i need to Filter the column based on length of the string
Ex - Total number of digits length grater than 1 less than 3
how can i do it using a assign or filter datatable activity

Thank you

Hi @Tharusha_Fernando

dt1 - data table from read range
dt2 - empty data table

dt2 = dt1.asenumerable.where(function(row) row(“Post Area”).tostring.length>1 and row(“Post Area”).tostring.length<3).copytodatatable

dt2 will now have filtered data


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@prasath_S if their s no rows it gives an error how to fix it

@Tharusha_Fernando Use an if Condition

dt1.asenumerable.where(function(row) row(“Post Area”).tostring.length>1 and row(“Post Area”).tostring.length<3).count > 0

in then part use assign activity


@prasath_S Thanks for your reply

do you know a another way to do the same thing without if activity because i m having around 20 checks to do
if i use if activities the sequances will became bigger

@Tharusha_Fernando use assign inside Try Catch activity


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