EID_198.xlsx (9.6 KB)
i have this csv file as i cannot attach csv here so that’s why i convert to .xlsx.
This csv is having multiple columns and in one specific column the data is “0011073B1905173BRI<<<<<<<<<<<1”
so i want to extract(split) string “BRI” from the CSV and then check for that text if the split text is “BRI” then check “TextisPresent” flag as true and if not set the flag to false.
I try some split rules but i am not getting the correct results.
Try to split the string using Regex code.
Why don’t you check if your string contains BRI ?
Like : MyColumnText.Contains(“BRI”)
Is the layout of the string mandatory ? And if yes what is this layout ?
@sriramvarma how to use regex code
For checking with Regex, if you are using UIPath Studio 2018.4.x+ :
- Add the IsMatch activity from the activity panel
- Click on the “Configure Regular Expression” button
- Complete the popup as on the screen below
- Add your variable (string parsed from the CSV column) in the input property (on the property panel)
- put a boolean variable as result of the activity (on the property panel)
- The result will be True if BRI is in you string
(You can tune the regex matching in the builder if you need more precisions)
Hi @Boaepa
Why not use string.Contains function?
This returns a true or false. So you can use it in an IF condition. If true, mark your flag as true, else mark it as false.
Yes absolutly but @zeshanm9 seems to wants more info about regular expression.
Personnaly I think that “.contains()” is more readable, flexible and easy to use. (As I’ve replyed before)
Hey @Boaepa
haha yeah… I just couldn’t grab the correct name to address… Mistakenly added your name lol
Ok thank you all i make this logic
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