Value Date Bank Value Date Deal No Instrument Amount Balance
BBBCCDFGFHJ Bank : ABJBJHDBHJA Account Number : ABCD Currency : CHN Account Name : ABCDEFG
10/1/2022 10/1/2022 OB 0.00 0.00
Closing balance : 0.00
Bank : ABCDEFG Account Number : HJGJHGJHGJH Currency : INR Account Name : JHGJHGJHGJ
10/1/2022 10/1/2022 OB 0.00 0.00
Closing balance : (268,235.15)
Bank : TEST Account Number : gdjhagdjhsagd Currency : EUR Account Name : fgjahgdjhasg
10/1/2022 10/1/2022 OB 0.00 0.00
Closing balance : (50,000.30)
Bank : qwrtqwe Account Number : dgjasgjdhsa Currency : USD Account Name : bdgjshagdjhasgdagsjh
10/1/2022 10/1/2022 OB 0.00 0.00
Closing balance : (40,000.60)
Printed on 01/3/2020 Page 1 of TEST
This is the sample PDF and I have extract PDF file and output of the PDF file which is store in text file.
I need in All Bank, Account Number, Currency, Account Name, Closing balance from text the file. is it possible?
Drag a for loop and change the type argument to string and in the âList of itemsâ pass str.Split(Environment.NewLine(),StringSplitOptions.None)
Inside the for loop add a if condition to check if the contains âAccount Numberâ like CurrentItem.Contains(âAccount Numberâ)
In the True side add the assign activity and inside add command to extract the account number using another split str.Split(âAccount Numberâ,2, StringSplitOptions.None)(1).Trim
mc = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(strPdf,"Bank\s+:\s+(?<BANK>.*?)\s+Account Number\s+:\s+(?<ACCOUNTNUMBER>.*?)\s+Currency\s+:\s+(?<CURRENCY>.*?)\s+Name\s+:\s+(?<NAME>.*?)\r?\n[\s\S]+?Closing balance\s+:\s+(?<CLOSINGBALANCE>[.,\d()]+)")