How to extract odd and even numbers from excel sheet and write it new excel sheet

how to remove all the even and odd numbers?
How can I do this? Someone please help to achieve this.


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Can you share what output you want?


i want to write even numbers data in one excel sheet and odd number data in one excel and send the data through two separate emails


Use Read Range activity->which output your excel sheet as Datatable, Eg: DtSheet

Now Create Evendt and Odddt variables as System.Data.DataTable Type

Now use Assign and write as below

EvenDt = DtSheet.AsEnumerable().Where(function(x) Cdbl(x(“Register No”)) Mod 2 = 0).ToList.CopyToDatatable

OddDt = DtSheet.AsEnumerable().Where(function(x) Cdbl(x(“Register No”)) Mod 2 <> 0).ToList.CopyToDatatable

Check below for your reference

Use Write Range activity to and write in the sheets by using the datatables

Hope this may help you


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Thank you it’s working much appreciated your support.

Can u please explain me this, it would be very helpful: DtSheet.AsEnumerable().Where(function(x) Cdbl(x(“Register No”)) Mod 2 = 0).ToList.CopyToDatatable


It’s a linq function where It will filter the value of Register No Mod 2 = 0

For Mod to understand, Please refer below

Mark as solution if this helps you


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