I want extract complete “skills” row value one by one from excel using Linq.
how to achieve this ?
Hello @Muralikrishna_Surve ,
How do you want the output to be? In Array or in DataRow?
Please specify.
I want output in Array.
hello @Muralikrishna_Surve ,
Assuming that Index for Skills row will always remains same in the excel file, you can try the below :
Use ReadRow and read the Skills row item (store in myReadRowOutput )
Use Assign acitvity
MyDataArray | DataType: Array(of String)
MyDataArray = myReadRowOutput.Select(Function (x) x.ToString).ToArray()
Thanks @rohith.prabhu .
Can you also share solution for output in DataRow ?
@Muralikrishna_Surve - Please try it yourself. If you face any issues please let me know, will help.
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