EXEC package.procedure(var1, var2);
I am dealing with a problem and need help.
I have a stored procedure with parameters which makes
- insert into select between begin and end
- delete between begin and end
- delete between begin and end (from different table)
And it works manuelly.
However when i called the sp by ‘execute non query’ activity,
- insert does not work
- delete works and deltes records
- delete does not work.
All the statements uses the same parameters. So prameters are right.
Could you help me?
Bekirdov, How are you calling the stored procedure, within UiPath?
Oracle, SQL Server, MySql?
Hello SQL server.
I found the solution. It is not because of the Uipath. problem is caused by SQL Server. there is a deadlock occured while 2 non-query executed at the same Table.
I created a flag table in SQL. While non-quey is working flag becomes 1. And Process is checking the flag. after flag turns to ‘0’ new non-query starts to work.
Thank you.
Awesome… Have a great day
I cannot get this ever to work, not even if the stored procedure or piece of PL/SQL doesn’t have any parameters.