How to download the specific attachments from outlook

Hi Everyone,
I want to check the email with subject Health Care forms if I have I have to download only the attachments Dental,CMS and UB.

can anyone suggest how can we do without looping.
I know that we can save the attachment and use for each and then save the specific attachment I need.
I don’t want to use save attachment twice.

Any suggestion pls directly how can I do it.

check the subject and download the required attachment Dental,UB,CMS


you can use an expression like this

mails.Where(function(x) x.Subject.Contains("RequiredValue") AndAlso x.Attachments.Any(function(y) y.Name.Contains("RequiredName")))

if you want to check multiple attachments

mails.Where(function(x) x.Subject.Contains("RequiredValue") AndAlso x.Attachments.Any(function(y) {"Attachment1","Attachment2"}.Contains(y.Name)))


mails.Where(function(x) x.Subject.Contains("RequiredValue") AndAlso x.Attachments.Any(function(y) {"Attachment1","Attachment2"}.Any(function(z) z.contains(y.Name))))


I am using get outlook mail messages can you guide me where to add this expression

Hello @Gayathri_Mk , Try this

  • Use Get Outlook mail and For each mail activity.
  • Assign the variable in the Get Outlook mail message and pass it to ForEach mail
  • Use the additional filter option and add the Filter condition to the Subject.
  • For each, use the Save attachment activity with Filter
  • Provide the Folder path to save the Attchments

I am getting this below error


Mails in the above exprssion is the output of get outlook mail messages


Try this
Use For each with If condition to filter the Subject

currentItem.Subject.ToLower.Contains("subject in lower case")    

Note:  If subject "Hello Mail" Provide it as "hello mail"  as lowercase

Hello @Gayathri_Mk

  1. Get Outlook Mail Messages:

    • Output: mailMessages (List)
    • Filter: “Subject = ‘Health Care forms’”
  2. If (mailMessages.Any() AndAlso mailMessages(0).Attachments.Any()):
    3. Save Attachments:

    • Attachments: “Dental.txt,CMS.txt,UB.txt”
    • Folder: your desired folder path

Thanks & Cheers!!!

same error

@Gayathri_Mk ,
Apologies, I used it in Outlook scope.
Try this
Use If Condition to filter the Attachments and Subjects

currentItem.Subject.ToLower.Contains("subject in lower case") And currentItem.Attachments.Any(Function(attachment) attachment.Name.ToLower.Contains("dental") Or attachment.Name.ToLower.Contains("cms") Or attachment.Name.ToLower.Contains("ub"))

Thank you @Gokul_Jayakumar it worked now.

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