How to delete Blank/Empty rows in an Excel

How to delete Blank/Empty rows in an Excel

Attached input excel

lMergeSheets.xaml (8.9 KB)
ExlSheet.xlsx (14.5 KB)

Try read in the sheets then identify the blank rows.

You can then use Remove DataRow to remove that via its row index


How to identify “blank rows.”?

this post could help you.


@carmen I checked the solution, but I am not using Datarow anywhere in my XAML, is it mandatory to use Datarow for the solution?

well depend about what are you doing but usually if you are working with data from an excel you read the data and store this data in a data table … so then you start to work with your data.

Hi @1easy

I have a sample workflow which I use to remove empty rows in data table variables. Check this out. It might help…

RemoveBlankRowsinExcel.xaml (5.3 KB)

Let know whether this helps


@Lahiru.Fernando that works :grinning:

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@Lahiru.Fernando Do you have any help for this Split columns into its own rows (comma separated in excel) or how to approach?

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