How to delete a sheet from excel or clear its data?

How to delete a sheet from excel or clear its data?

You can make use of Excel shortcut keys
ALT + E + L or
Use send hotkey activity to make use of them.

PS: If you’re looking to clear DataTable then UiPath has Clear DataTable Activity.


No, It is not working. I am looking for Excel sheet delete only. Can you attach some sample XAML which I can quickly refer?

Here we go.
Just make sure excel is in the foreground while running the workflow.
DeletExcel.xaml (5.8 KB)

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Yes, I got it just now before you replied. I was missing the step where Excel needs to run in foreground. :slight_smile:
I have to add excel screen shot in XAML so that keystrokes will be done on Excel app.

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Hi @abskulkarni,

Please refer this link here…

Thanks and Regards,
Manoj Vijayakumar.

hi @abskulkarni

Here is a detailed article on that :slight_smile:
# How To Delete Sheets From An Excel File Programmatically – In UiPath


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