How to create mulitipication on 2*1=2 while using do while in UiPath

Hi All,

how to create multiplication on 2*1=2 while using do while in UiPath? please tell me sequence workflow. What we need to take in activity tabs?

thank you,

Hi @Ashrof_ali

Could you please explain little more so we can understand the context correctly… thanks

hi prasanth,Actually i am learning Uipath tool as a self learner so, i saw the example of how to create even and odd number in dowhile the same way we can do multiplication like 2 table should be print in notepad is it possible with do while ??
Thank you,
Ashrof(plz whatsapp me 8142822069)

Till what value you want to print (like 2,4,6,8…untill 100)
What is the the maximum value

value 2

first need to take sequence and then input dialog and then do while in the do while body part we can take one Assign activity after that we take one more activity called append line after that we need to write do while condition in the below right.

The number variable was taken input dialog activity?