How to create a password protected zip file?
I am able to create a zip file using invoke method as mentioned in Compress files to .zip format. If I could add a password to this zip file or if anyone is aware of the solution to create password protected zip files without using Winzip front end UI menthod would be helpful.
Would be glad to know if such method exists;
Using a third-party zip tool- 7-zip(*free) which supports AES-256 also does the work!
I am looking forward to a solution based on WinZip due to security reasons.
System.IO.Compression does not support passwords (since it’s purpose is not security, but just compression), so I don’t think that will work.
All solutions I’ve encountered require some sort of a 3rd party library.
Thanks for the update.
Hi @igul,
Can you try this ?
Hi @igul
You achieve using invoke PowerShell do find the below sample (2.4 KB)
Thanks & regards
Sanjay Shankhla
Hi Sanjay,
In the above code we manually need to pass the path but how to add the path dynamically, each time i will have different folders to zip. I would be passing it through variable. how to pass the variable value in ps script.
Hi Bala,
Password field in the zip activity is not working properly… Even after providing password it is still zipping the file without password protection.
hi @praveenasrinath,
check this out for you reference
Thank you for the feedback. A lot of users are using this activity with no problem. Can you explain your situations please. and also I will check and let you know.
Thank you
Hi Bala,
It is really easy to zip the file but you have provided password property to zip the file. If I pass password it is not zipping the file with password. So can you help me out with this.
Hi @PraveenaSrinath,
I have tested. Here every thing is working fine. But any way can you try this one !
Same problem as Praveena. Zip activities do not set password for the zipped files.
In UiPath.System.Activities 20.10.x there is Compress/zip Files which can be restricted with password. It’s working
Hi Sanjay,
How can I use this option to zip the file with pswd?
Hi @balupad14,
Just verifying if this activity perform AES256 Encryption as well ?
UiPath Start Process Activity solution -
Other Resources.
Passing With Parametters
Try the steps mentioned in the below tutorial for password protecting zip file: