How to copy folders from source to target in winscp

As per above image

  1. I need to copy all folders and files from Source (Left) to Destination (Right) in Winscp server
  2. If anyone has flow or any clues please help me


Hi @GovardhanReddy

can you try with FTP activities.

Here you have some referral on how to use it


I study this area few years ago but don’t have such environment now. I tried below option 1 and 2 are doable.

  1. Act like a human in winscp is doable: select file, click upload, etc.
  2. Type your action in command line refer to Command-line Options :: WinSCP.
  3. Use packages refer to Download a file from winscp - Help / Activities - UiPath Community Forum.


You can install the FTP package and use the Move File activity to move the file inside FTP Scope.
If using SFTP please select the SFTP checkbox in properties.

Thanks a lot for all your responses

  1. I have installed ftp package and trying getting below error

also i tried ui element steps bot not able to copy from source to target

please help me

we would question the folder seperator as \ was used but we would tendend to /

Also it looks like a folder check, where we would use:

@ppr by default that slash appears once we login to server in winscp in the right side (target)

@sudheern Any idea bro @Palaniyappan

your feedback is unclear, can you rephrase it? Thanks

we mentioned:

  • using /
  • using the appropriate activity
  1. Bot able to login to winscp using ui elements like hostname, username, password and port number like below screen

now the question is we need to copy from left side source to right side target folder

how to do this please

we strongly recommended to avoid simulating manual interaction steps, when it can be done with activties / APIs…

With the mention of

it should be possible and was also sucessfully modelled in running automations

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could you please share SS if possible to copy activity also copy folder activity does’nt work?

Same steps i performed still it shows

curently we only see again the same screenshot and cannot derive what modifications based on our input was done.

Before ending into a again more longer ping-pong series we recommend:

  • go through to all shared docu resources and make you familar with it
  • feel free to also checkout for other trainings e.g. youtube videos relating to FTP and UiPath

Happy Automation :robot: