How to convert system date and time to CT zone date and time separately like CTTIME and CTDATE?
@Gangadhar_Athili @THIRU_NANI
What do you mean by CT Zone?
Could you please explain in detail?
The North American Central Time Zone (CT) is a time zone in parts of Canada, the United States, Mexico, Central America, some Caribbean Islands, and part of the Eastern Pacific Ocean .
I have a scenario that bot need to assign to analyst,if the current time between 00:12:45 then assign to that column analyst else if time between 12:46-24:00 then assign to that column analyst, here the time zone is CT zone
Have a view on this thread…
Assign Timezone Info: The time zone ID ‘Central Time’ was not found on the local computer.
this error is coming when tried with above method
TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(“Central Standard Time”))
thank you@devika.jaykrishna
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