How to convert system date and time to CT zone date and time separately like CTTIME and CTDATE?

How to convert system date and time to CT zone date and time separately like CTTIME and CTDATE?
@Gangadhar_Athili @THIRU_NANI

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What do you mean by CT Zone?

Could you please explain in detail?


The North American Central Time Zone (CT) is a time zone in parts of Canada, the United States, Mexico, Central America, some Caribbean Islands, and part of the Eastern Pacific Ocean .

I have a scenario that bot need to assign to analyst,if the current time between 00:12:45 then assign to that column analyst else if time between 12:46-24:00 then assign to that column analyst, here the time zone is CT zone


Have a view on this thread…


Assign Timezone Info: The time zone ID ‘Central Time’ was not found on the local computer.
this error is coming when tried with above method

TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(“Central Standard Time”))

thank you@devika.jaykrishna

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