i have a string var where i have stored one date . it is coming from pdf . But problem is in some output i am getting 20/3/2019 and some other output i am getting 203/2019 or sometime getting 2032019 . thats why i want that string as a date so that i can always get the proper date format .
Is the pdf having such kind of date format or the output we get from any activity been used gives such output
If it’s from pdf then fine
But if it’s from activity we can try to make that activity to get the date in right format as per the pdf and then go for conversion
Did we try with activity like READ PDF or READ PDF with OCR so that the string output obtained can be manipulated with it’s string using Regex or split method
No buddy
Not this
Use a writeline activity next to READ PDF and pass the string variable as input so that we can see the string there and create Regex accordingly @roysupriya21
abc\r\nClient No: bcd\r\nRequest name: hello\r\n,ngsingfiate; 2502/2019\r\nI Pos. I Article Number I Quantity I Quantity Unit I I I\r\n010 aaa 1.00 piece\r\nRequested
one string before and after date
Like this
String1 date string2
please check above string