How to convert Excel Cell's value to integer for calculation?

Hi Experts,

I have a case to read some cells from Excel that contain numerical data and I want robot to convert it to integer before calculation process. However, I got an error message as this:

I have tried both Convert.ToInt32() and .toInt32() function. Yet both not working as well.

Please advice. Thank you.

you can try this way





As you are dealing with percentages
if it gets in decimal part then try


Hi @D_Okthree ,

Could you let us know what is the full Expression that you have used in the Assign activity ?

use for each row in datatable or for each row in excel activity

Then assign


if you want to convert to a integer


Hi @D_Okthree

You can try this way

@Praveen_Mudhiraj ,

I got this issue now. The assigned variable has double data type.
I tried Convert.toInt32() and .stringValue() yet still get the same issue.

@supermanPunch ,

Here it is


Try this


@lrtetala @Praveen_Mudhiraj ,

Why do I still get this error message whether I use Cint or Cdbl?


This is the formula

@D_Okthree ,

I believe it might be because you have not checked Has Headers Option in the For Each Excel Row activity.


@supermanPunch ,

I have and always. I did not change it since the table has header in Excel.

@D_Okthree ,

Is it possible for you to show us the Excel sheet representation ?

@supermanPunch ,

This is the expected result.


Now, in the For Each Row, I got this error message:


I used this inside the loop:


In Write Cell Where to Write give Excel.Sheet(“Sheet1”).Cell(“C3”)
Because the header is in Cell “C2”

Hi @D_Okthree ,

Hope you are doing good.

So you got the percentage value but unable to write or still in error.

Sandhiya P

@D_Okthree ,

We see that the Header starts from the Second row, Could it be changed in the Source file itself to remove the first blank row ?

Else, we would require to use the reference ByIndex an then use an If activity with the Condition to Check if the value is Numeric like below :

@supermanPunch ,

I am not sure what is happening behind this but I changed the setting in the For Each Row and now there is no error.

Yet the result Excel still has header.


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