How to connect oracle databse

Installer(.exe or .msi):EXE

License type:i have license code(EE)

Studio/Robot version:Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit

.NET Framework Version 4.7.2 or later

Current behavior:

Screenshot: i have attached Screenshot

please see screenshot it is not showing liftside searching database connection
Please help me

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Buddy @Ramalingayya

Welcome to UiPath Community buddy

Buddy kindly install the package named uipath.Database.Activities in package manager to get the dataabase related activities like execute query and insert query where in
execute query - you can execute any query by passing that query as string to this activity and you can get the output from the database as a table of type datatable
insert query - you can insert any datatable read from the excel with read range activity to the databbase you want with this buddy by mentioning the table name in database as input

  1. to get the package
  2. execute query and insert query

to connect with the database you can use the connection wizard which would require database credentials like username and password like this buddy and you can even check whether you got connected to database or not buddy @Ramalingayya with that test connection option


Kindly try this and let know buddy
Cheers @Ramalingayya

Were you able to connect now with database buddy @Ramalingayya

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Hi Palaniyappan,

thank you for replying ,i have attached screenshot .
Error [NA000][Microsoft][odbc driver for oracle ][oracle ]ora-06413:connection not open,error [im006][microsoft][odbc driver manager driver’s sqlSetConnectionAttr Failed
eror [01000][Microsoft][ODBC Driver manager] the driver
does not support the version of ODBC behavior that the application requested see sqlSetEnvAttr)
i need to add any ODBC jar file,
please help out me .

thank you

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Hi @Ramalingayya
This could help you


Hi Palaniyappan,

thank you for replying ,i have attached screenshot,please help out me ,
ODBC Error: Data source name not found and no default driver specified


Thank you

Dear Palaniyappan,

I have license Uipath but it will support Blue prism or not.
how to install Blue prism ,can you give me suggestion?


When you create the odbc source you can try using the OraClient rather than the ODBC option - there seems to be some conflict between versions of ODBC drivers.


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Thank you richarddenton - this helped me out


I am getting same error. Can you please let me know how you fixed it.


I have 32-bit ODBC data source Administrator

Hi - that could mean a couple of things.

Check to see if your Oracle Drivers are 32 or 64 Bit. Make sure that they are 32 bit as I found that UiPath works with those.

Second - when you create your ODBC connection locally, do not chose Microsoft ODBC for Oracle but instead use “Oracle in OraClient 12home1_32bit”

This solved that error that you are showing.

Like this?

Driver={Oracle in OraClient 12home1_32bit};"server=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=XXXXXX)(PORT=1532))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=tibclee)));uid=tibco

I actually don’t write the drive in a string.

What I do is the following →

Connection String → “DSN=Local DSN Name;uid=”+Username+“;pwd=”+Password+“”
ProviderName → “System.Data.Odbc”

The Local DSN Name is what you create on the local machine. If you search ODBC 32 bit on your machine you’ll see it.