How to configure Orchestrator to write logs to Splunk without Splunk forwarder?

Integrating logs without Splunk forwarder.

Setup Instructions:

  1. From the Splunk homepage select "Add Data"

  1. Select "Monitor"

  1. Choose the source type, which will be TCP/UDP. Choose UDP and specify the port required to be used for the listener. Click "Next"

  1. Choose the source type (Choose syslog as the category), and the additional options regarding categorization/allocation of the data (Hostname/IP, Index to be logged to). Click "Review"

  1. Review options and Click "submit"

  1. Open the UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config file located in the Orchestrator Web folder

  1. Navigate to below/inside the <Nlog section, add a new target line

Add Splunk to

Add Splunk inside

NLog Network Target

More information about NLog network targeting options can be found here: Https://

Example of Logging: