How to compare two columns that contain checkboxes in the same row

Hi all
Please suggest how to make a workflow to compare two columns that contain checkboxes in the same row.



How is the selector looking like for the checkbox? Do you have attributes defining which row/columns the checkbox is part of? Do you have an attribute indicating wheter the checkbox is checked?

In the screenshot, this what I have in selector.


In your right column, uncheck “name”
Then check the penultimate line and in the right column, check attributes : “tableCol” and “tableRow”
so you have now a now a selector for your second row (first is header) and first column (“Emp”)

selector should be looking like this

thats your first left checkbox

first right checkbox should look like this

you can to make a dynamic selector in order to iterate through all the rows and with Get Attribute Activity, looking for “checked” attribute you can find whether the checkbox is checked

Can you tell me please how can i do this in this exemple?
I want to compare to know if a have a same number of checkboxes checked between Zone1 and Zone 2.