How to command UiPath to change DD.MM.YYYY type of date by adding one month each time the process is run?

Hello, how can it be commanded in Uipath that add +1 month every time the process is run. For example assume it was written 01.04.2022 and the aim is to change month 04 to 05 and keep it written in UiPath. Shall “type into” command be used or what else could be used? Thank you

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we can parse the string into a datetime, add the month and get back the datestring in the needed format

 DateTime.ParseExact("01.04.2022", "dd.MM.yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
 [04/01/2022 00:00:00]
 DateTime.ParseExact("01.04.2022", "dd.MM.yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).AddMonths(1)
 [05/01/2022 00:00:00]
 DateTime.ParseExact("01.04.2022", "dd.MM.yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).AddMonths(1).tostring("dd.MM.yyyy")

Hello, thank you very much for your rapid reply. Also, how can this code be integrated to the sequence scheme which I’m working on in “Design” part of UiPath? As I used “type into” activity to select the date written place in the screen and could not go further.

we would recommend to use an assign activity for pre calculating the new date string
then use this variable e.g. within a type into

So when I open “Assign” activity, shall I write the code for parsing to “Enter a VB expression” in the equality?

find some starter help as visuals:

I think it is the answer of my question,thank you very much for your interest and help.

However lastly, I need to make UiPath to read the date from a webpage by “type into” and change the month by adding 1 every time process runs. So I do not have a fixed date to start and classify as “strOldDate”.

have a look on the get text activity
then add the month as described above and use it for the type into