Hi Team,
I want to press Shift + Tab simultaneity but I as per code “[K(lshift)][K(tab)]” it is first pressing Left shift and later tab which is not service my purpose.
Kindly assist me.
Hi Team,
I want to press Shift + Tab simultaneity but I as per code “[K(lshift)][K(tab)]” it is first pressing Left shift and later tab which is not service my purpose.
Kindly assist me.
Actually I trying to add the code in Type into activity hence looking code instead SendHotKey activity.
Hi @kawalkarhemant,
Type into activity it will type the value only it will not hold the key so try to use send hotkey activity.
Not Sure but I have tried using following code.
“Value” + “[K(lshift)][K(tab)]”, which is working but not sure whether is there any way to hold shift?
This will work
Hi guys,
is there any way to do this in “type into” activity?
Thank you
use the above format
Hi @Pablo_Sanchez,
What seems to do the same job is “%[d(shift)][k(right)][u(shift)]”, where ‘d’ is for ‘downpress’ and ‘u’ unpresses the key.
Thank you @PAD
Thank you
No problem, @Forever_Offers, hope it has solved your issue too
Great! Thank you!
Hey @kawalkarhemant, you can use the “Keyboard Shortcuts” activity. Then select Add a shortcut manually, shift and in special key insert >, and click on Add. Attached herewith is the image for more clarification.
Hi @arivu96
You can use the Keyboard shortcuts activity to give the Shift+Tab simultaneously.
Note - You can find the Keyboard shortcuts activity in Modern design activities.
For Classic activities you can use the send Hotkey activity.
Hope it helps!!