How to check if download process is complete in Uipath

Hi guys,

Is there a way by which the Uipath can identify whether a downloaded is complete or not?

I’m downloading an Excel file from SAP tool and it takes about 45mints to download when we do it manually. In this case is there any way by which the bot can identify whether the excel file download is completed or not?

Any activities to check this? please let me know.

FYI: the file size vary each time and there are two excel files to be checked if downloaded or not.

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

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yes @batBot
First get the filename of the downloading excel file then check if it is in the donwloaded folder.If it is exist then it is completed else not completed.

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:

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Hi @batBot

you can use the Path Exists activity to check whether a particular file is available in the download directory. it returns a boolean value. You can decide what to do based on the value it returns later may be by using a IF condition etc



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@pattyricarte @gulshiyaa Thank you for the idea! guys if there is any issue i will let know.

You’re most welcome @batBot

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:

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