How to check if 1 col value is available in other column

How to check if 1 col value is available in other column?
exact match and also if value is available anywhere in string.
MyData.xlsx (12.3 KB)

Hi @8b6861dc5e0c9f7008548ca66

What is your exact requirement and your required output. Please specify.


@Parvathy I have attached sample excel, in that I have requirements too

Hi @8b6861dc5e0c9f7008548ca66 ,
Have many way:
1.use activity for each data table with if activtity check then assign value for DM1 and DM2
2.use LINQ


@Nguyen_Van_Luong1 I am not expert in linq hence seeking help

Using activity, loop for each row in data table and if condition, assign activty will easier to understand

Hi @8b6861dc5e0c9f7008548ca66

Check out the below zip file as hope this meets your requirement. (50.5 KB)

Input: Sheet1

Output: Sheet2

Hope it helps!!

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Hi @8b6861dc5e0c9f7008548ca66

1.Use Assign activity
matches As Boolean = dtTable.AsEnumerable().Any(Function(row) row(“Column1”).ToString.Equals(row(“Column2”).ToString))

2.Use another assign activity
partialMatches As Boolean = dtTable.AsEnumerable().Any(Function(row) row(“Column2”).ToString.Contains.ToLower()(row(“Column1”).ToString).ToLower())

Replace "Column1" and "Column2" with the actual names of your columns. The variables matches and partialMatches will hold the result of the check as a Boolean value (True if there’s at least one match, False otherwise).

Hope this helps

thank you @Parvathy its workign

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