How to check can access connect FTP

Hello, I have question

I want to check can access connect FTP or not ?

Please guide me for solve it.

Thank you.


Try to use ftp activities and fill the authentication details you would know


Now I can connect.

But I want to check it can access ftp or not (sometime have problem about user or password)

Can you guide me for check it?


Can you elaborate…you are saying you can access then what issue are you seeingn?


@Anil_G Now I can access.

But I want to handle error if can’t access by send email and end process.


At that point it would anyways throw an exception…you can use a try dcatch around and then in the catch block you can use send email

If in ref…then try catch is already around the process so just include send messade in exception catch block


@Anil_G Now I have flow as below.


I can go to catch for send mail but after send mail I want to end process ( use terminate workflow)

But now it go to next another process not end.

Please guide me for solve it.


Then use terminate workflow activity after send email


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