How to change the email body when pass the datatable

Hi All

I would like send the email like below format. Datatable having these details. early i applied Datatble To Html then pass the string to Email body. I need merge the column.


Can anyone help me to do this?


Try using create html content activity and create the table as needed and mapp the variables…after creating basic structure can click on <\> to switch to html code and make more adjustments


Is the number of rows fixed? Will you always have to merge 4 rows at a time and always have max 8 rows, or this can change?


You can use html content activity or even loop on td and tr tags to generate table dynamically, make sure you pass data appropriately.


It will change no of rows

No of rows for each Name may change dynamically

Hi @divya.17290

take one string variable with initial tags. then update same variable by looping the table header values and each cell values in rows along with starting and ending tags.

First loop the table columns to add the headers into the string.
then loop the each row, within the row make a loop for each item to add each cell into the string.

the actual structure is
Assign strHtmlTable= intial tags


Assign strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable+closed tags.

eventually you will be having the entire table html string, then you can pass into mail body

Hope you got my logic.

Shaik Najeer.