Hi @nameisname
How about this expression?
(From d in dtData.AsEnumerable Where Not (isNothing(d("Column Name")) OrElse String.IsNullorEmpty(d("Column Name").toString.Trim)) Select v = CDbl(d("Column Name").toString.Trim)).Sum(Function (x) x)
Hello @nameisname
Kindly refer to this, you may get some idea
Forum_AddRowValues.zip (77.1 KB)
HI @nameisname
Check this expression if you want TotalSum of a column
DT.AsEnumerable.Sum(Function (x) CDbl(x("Your Column Name").toString.Trim))
If you want to add the three row values and add that in the total column check on this expression
(From row In dt.AsEnumerable
Let a=row("Amount(II)...").ToString
Let b=row("GST").ToString
Let c=row("Shipping Cost").ToString
Let x = CDbl(b)*CInt(c)+CInt(c)+CInt(a)
Select Dt1.Rows.add(x)
Attaching a sample xaml file and the output file
Main.xaml (10.6 KB)
New Microsoft Excel Worksheet.xlsx (7.9 KB)
Hope This Helps