How to avoid null reference exception in if loop

I want to avoid null reference exception while validating the excel.

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try this…Take one “IF” condition or “Flow decision” and put this condition


Accordingly you can proceed with your workflow after checking its null or empty.

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In addition to @syedabidraza thoughts you need to check first if your datatable in excel has value on it or not.Dattable.row.count > 0 then proceed else dont proceed @raghuramk

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:

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if the value exist or empty it directly going to the false block @syedabidraza

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if the value is empty , it will go to true part , and if its not empty than it will go to false part…please share screenshot ,how you have written this condition…

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It showing false instead of true

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company code is the variable which is already available , no need of giving it in inverted commas(" ")

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thank you it’s working


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Please mark the answer as solution if it helped!!


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