Hello all,
I wanted to ask about how I can automate stuff like windows run and diskmgmt.msc in UiPath. As using the activity use application/browser doesn’t work. I want to automate a process where a drive letter “W” is automatically assigned to any external storage that is plugged into the PC
you can use invoke powershell and use powershell scripting for doing those tasks
try to work on powershell and invoke usign UiPath
Sample2.xaml (11.3 KB)
Thanks for your help.
I got that part already done what I am asking is how to automate clicks inside dsikmgmt.msc. I can’t use the click activity because it needs an application. and the use application activity doesn’t work on it. Is there a workaround available?
@youssef169886 - try running UiPath with elevated privileges.
The actual application is mmc.exe and the “apps” like Disk Management are snap-ins to that app.
So in Use Application/Browser the Application path will be: C:\Windows\System32\mmc.exe
What you need to do is use Start Process to start the Disk Management console, then use Use Application/Browser to attach to it:
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