Continuing the discussion from How insert /edit Table to a DOCX file without having Microsoft Office installed:
By this way getting compilation error: Type “WordprocessingDocument” is not defined. At line1.
Can anyone please suggest solution…
Continuing the discussion from How insert /edit Table to a DOCX file without having Microsoft Office installed:
By this way getting compilation error: Type “WordprocessingDocument” is not defined. At line1.
Can anyone please suggest solution…
Did you happen to install word package?
try in imports if this is there DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging
if not add the import or use fully qualified name
@UiPath_Community @uipath
Can anyone please help me to adjust table column width in word document?
After inserting datatable to word document, disturbing all columns width.
Thank you in advance.
Hi @Guru_Koli21
Try the below Invoke Code:
Dim wordApp As Application = New Application()
' Open the Word document
Dim wordDoc As Document = wordApp.Documents.Open(wordFilePath)
' Loop through all tables in the document
For Each table As Table In wordDoc.Tables
' Adjust the width of each column
For i As Integer = 1 To table.Columns.Count
Select Case i
Case 1
table.Columns(i).Width = wordApp.CentimetersToPoints(5) ' 3 cm for the first column
Case 2
table.Columns(i).Width = wordApp.CentimetersToPoints(7) ' 5 cm for the second column
Case Else
table.Columns(i).Width = wordApp.CentimetersToPoints(6) ' 4 cm for other columns
End Select
' Save and close the document
Invoked Arguments
Change the width numbers according to yours if required so that you get the correct width.
@vrdabberu Thank you.
But I am getting error, shown in below screen shot. Is there any namespace issue?
Hi @uipath ,
This issue not resolved yet, can anyone please suggest the solution?
How to adjust table column width in word document?
Thank you.
Hi @Guru_Koli21
Did you try importing Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.
If not please do it, make sure you have UiPath.Word.Activities installed.
Can you share the workflow @Guru_Koli21 with sample word file.
Hi @vrdabberu,
Did you tried for the solution?
@uipath : Please post if you know the answer.
Thank you.