How to add multiple data in one go to a column in Excel

Hi All,

I was wondering, how can I add multiple data to a column in excel in one go, without using a loop.

Lets say, I have an excel file with 2 columns Area and Dispatcher, the Area column already has data, but I need to add the value Dispacher1 or Dispacher1 to the Dispatcher column, how can I do this at once without a loop

If same value needs to be updated in all rows use Dt.AsEnumerable.ToList.ForEach(Sub(row) row(“Dispatcher”)= “Val”)

Hi @Sidney_Vogel ,

Normally for Update operations, we do loop through the Datatable Data and perform the necessary update.

We could also use a Linq for this but we would need to know whether the For Each is really affecting the performance.

Also, If a Same value is to be added to all the rows then we could also try adding the DataColumn with a Default Value. However, first we would need to delete the Data Column first, in your case Dispatcher column.

Let us know what is the exact operation you would want to perform.

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Thank you @supermanPunch this helps. I appreciate the help.

Just use write range and rewrite the entire sheet.

Hi @postwick How would you do it?

Hi @Lak_Ui I am trying to also use this expression

Shipment.AsEnumerable.ToList.ForEach(Sub(row) If(AcebeyDispacher >0, row("Dispacher") = "Vit", row("Dispacher") = "Bet" ))

however I get the following error message:
Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression

“Shipment.AsEnumerable.ToList.ForEach(Sub(row) If(AcebeyDispacher >0, row(“Dispacher”) = “ACEBEY”, row(“Dispacher”) = “Crane” ))”. Expected ‘)’

I think I have all the closing parenthesis added here.

Also, If I use Dt.AsEnumerable.ToList.ForEach(Sub(row) row(“Dispatcher”)= “Val”) in an assign method I get an error stating:

Expression does not produce a value, in which activity should I use this expression than if not in an assign activity?

Thank you for your help in advance

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Hi @Sidney_Vogel
I think this is the most eficient way to do it (without looping rows):

Just don’t forget the single quotes around your string.
Let me know if that works for you :slight_smile:

I said how I would do it. Use Write Range and rewrite the entire sheet.

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