How Replace a string in regex

Hello Community,

I want to replace a word (loves) with another word (hates) by using regex, such that i just replace the text content and not the values in the Tags.


<li>My dog loves dog food</li>
<li class="loves"> My dog loves dog food</li>


<li>My dog **hates** dog food</li>
<li class="loves"> My dog **hates** dog food</li>

I tried using this regex with replace but it replaces the entire phrase

Can someone help me with it?

Any other approaches will be highly appreciated!


Hi @hansen_Lobo

You can use simple string manipulations as well:

This should work too.

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if i do this:

<li>My dog loves dog food</li>
<li class="**loves**"> My dog loves dog food</li>

The highlighted one will also get changed. I dont want it to change

Try this

System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(strOriginal, "[^""]loves[^""]", " hates ")

You will get something like this:


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FYI, Another pattern:



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But more recomended to process HTML with

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Thanks Peter,
This works really well!!

Will look into this soon

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