How licenses work? Can I have 2 bots 1 license?

I have 1 license in a virtual machine which is in country A.
Can I install the bot on a second virtual machine that is in country B, but use same license?
I mean, for example, when it is available and the bot is not running, the other bot starts to run.
Do you know if this is possible?
Both are unattended bots.


License of Unattended robot is concurrent runtime license and it’s managed in Orchestrator
If your robots are connected with the orchestrator and set them as same machine template, we can run just single robot/process in one of them at same time if there is 1 UR license.


Hi @JavRR,

You can do what you want to do, but once a license is assigned to a machine, you will need to manually remove the license from that machine and let the other one grab the license. The process of transitioning the license from one machine to another is not automatic.
