Source: Assign
Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Main.xaml (6.3 KB)
May How to run normally?
New String(99){}
Can run
Source: Assign
Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Main.xaml (6.3 KB)
May How to run normally?
New String(99){}
Can run
Hi @Phox
Your assign statement is fine. Why that error comes is because your array is not initialized in the variables panel.
So for your str array under default column in variables panel add the below code to initialize it
New Array(Of String)
Now your assign will work fine
Let know if this works for you
Kindly use list instead of array if you are not sure of number of values you are store in a collection…use array…only when you are sure about the number of values to be stored…
Ok coming to the point…
Initialize array for a string like
New string[size of the array]. Or
New Int[size of the array]
For list
New list(of string)
New list(of int32)
But use add to collection activity to add data to a list…
Hope this would help you
Hello @Phox,
You are initializing the array with value . If I understand well with your image presentation.
Two ways you can able to initialize the array with value.
You can initialize in the variable panel. like below
Using the assign activity like below.
To know more about this. please take a look this site.
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