How do i publish a marketplace component that works with both Legacy and Windows frameworks?
this is what i was told a week ago but there was no follow up after that, anyone knows how this works? How can a version contain code for both legacy and modern
I too would be very interested in this.
I played around with it last week and made my Visiual Studio project target both frameworks but it didnt result in a nuget package with both compatibilites.
A quick knowledge resource on this would be great.
I’ve posted a similar question here:
@loginerror perhaps you could merge these topics?
Its going to be a hot one I think given the new release suggesting we convert to 64 bit projects.
I bet my answer is way too late, but here’s a documentation link about it:
This help article doesn’t really help for cross platform and it doesn’t really help discussing building from the ground up. It isn’t 100% clear and it doesn’t solve the discrepancies on where to find all the libraries. We need a better breakdown of what is required to be recognized and working for cross platform and windows. Detailed, listed out, explained, definitive public sources for those libraries.
Thank you. I’ll pass it to the team for some improvements.
Although I do recall that the Activity Creator was updated to support the Windows project custom activities:
(but on a closer look, it looks like it is for Windows only)
One more thing I could suggest is this repo:
The Cryptography package has been released on Legacy+Windows+CrossPlatform, so using it as an example might help.