How do I get the Data Type double in the Build Data Table activity?


I am trying to build a data table with the Build Data Table activity. In the second column named “Amount” I want to select the data type to be a system.double, but the dropdown box does not give me the option to select a double. The images below show what I want to recreate:

If I select the “Browse for Types” option from the dropdown list it gives me an error
How do I select the Data type to be a double?

Hi @gtalke014

Welcome to UiPath community

  1. Click on Browser for Type


  1. Select the System.Double → Click ok


  1. After click on final Ok Button In the Build data table activity

it will show only Double in the panel.

Once you click the Edit column icon it show you like System.Double



Hi , I tried clicking on “Browse for Types” and this is the error I get:

HI @gtalke014

Can you upadte the System package?

Version → 23.4.5

and check it

How do I update the system.package?
Sorry, I am very new to UiPath

Before trying to build automations I suggest taking the free training on the UiPath Academy web site so you’ll learn the basics like how to manage packages.

Hi @gtalke014

Go to manage package → Project dependencies → Search System → Update the standard one → click save