How do I create a nested datatable?

I have a datatable containing cases and their information.
I then have to group them according to some value in specific columns.

I want to create a new datatable with a column (string) containing a key-value, and a second column (datatable) containing the cases I’ve grouped under that key.

My problem:
The datatable column won’t update.
I’m creating a new datarow and the column “CaseList” will contain the grouped datatable of cases.


The expression on the right side of the assign is correct, I get values when i assign them to a datatable variable, but for some reason the datarow only gets in that column.

we would suggest to inspect the result more in detail

  • set a breakpoint on a relevant place
  • debug and get paused by the breakpoint

use following statement within the immediate panel

Understanding the 6 Debugging Panels of UiPath in the easiest way possible! - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum

the visualizations within the debugging panels will not mandatory expose the values / content. A [ ] maybe represents a datatable with not set tablename

Thanks, @ppr

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