I have an excel file(Input) with columns “Vendor Code”,“Vendor Name”,“Vendor Type” & “Vendor Division”. Another file(Master File) has “Name 1” and “Vendor Code”.
I should compare “Vendor Name” and “Name 1”.
If i get a match, then I should check if the “Vendor Type” is Non Trade and the 1st two characters of “Vendor Code” is 74. If it becomes true, remarks should be added as “Duplicate found” in the input file.
If its not true, then I should check if the “Vendor Division” is CED and the 1st two characters of “Vendor Code” is 75. If it becomes true, remarks should be added as “Duplicate found” in the input file.
If its not true, then I should check if the “Vendor Division” is BSD and the 1st two characters of “Vendor Code” is 76.If it becomes true, remarks should be added as “Duplicate found” in the input file.
' Perform the comparisons and update the Remarks column
For Each inputRow As DataRow In inputTable.Rows
Dim vendorCode As String = inputRow("ERP Code").ToString()
Dim vendorName As String = inputRow("Vendor Name").ToString()
Dim vendorType As String = inputRow("Vendor Type").ToString()
Dim vendorDivision As String = inputRow("Vendor Division").ToString()
Dim matchFound As Boolean = False
' Check for matching "Vendor Name" and "Name 1" in the master table
For Each masterRow As DataRow In masterTable.Rows
If vendorName = masterRow("Name").ToString() Then
' Check conditions and update the Remarks column accordingly
If vendorType = "Non Trade" AndAlso vendorCode.StartsWith("74") Then
inputRow("Remarks") = "Duplicate found"
matchFound = True
Exit For
ElseIf vendorDivision = "CED" AndAlso vendorCode.StartsWith("75") Then
inputRow("Remarks") = "Duplicate found"
matchFound = True
Exit For
ElseIf vendorDivision = "BSD" AndAlso vendorCode.StartsWith("76") Then
inputRow("Remarks") = "Duplicate found"
matchFound = True
Exit For
End If
End If
' If no conditions matched, clear the Remarks column
If Not matchFound Then
inputRow("Remarks") = ""
End If
Could you give me one confirmation there is no Column called Vendor Name in the Vendor_Registration_InputFile.xlsx and no value in this file is not matching the Name1 column in Master.xlsx file.
Could you check and confirm which column has to take as Vendor Name.