I have several files in a folder from different days. I need to attach only the ones that were created today and send in an email.
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You can filter the files based on creation date wich is created today and then it as attachment via email activities
Nived N
Happy Automation
I can’t seem to get the coding correct.
Try to filter the files in a directory using the below assign activitiy
file_list= Directory.GetFiles(folderpath).Where(Function (file) FileInfo(file).CreationTime.ToString(“dd/MM/yyyy”).Equals(Now.ToString(“dd/MM/yyyy”)).ToArray()
Then u get a list of file path which were created today
By this u attach those file and send via email
Nived N
Happy Automation
Gives me an error and states ‘)’ expected
@brettthompson - Please try this…
Code: New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(YourFolderPath).GetFiles().where(Function(file) file.CreationTime.Date=Now.date).ToArray()
Here ArrFileInfo is of variable type system.IO.FileInfo
For Each type argument should be set to system.IO.FileInfo
Desktop Files
Update: Alternate
StrArrFiles = Directory.GetFiles(YourPath).Where(Function(x) New FileInfo(x).CreationTime.Date = DateTime.Today.Date).ToArray
StrArrFiles is of variable type String Array.
If you want to include the subfolders also, then
Directory.GetFiles(YourFolderPath,"*",SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(Function(x) New FileInfo(x).CreationTime.Date = DateTime.Today.Date).ToArray
Thank you for everyone’s input
@brettthompson - Just curios…is it working as expected?? or is it pulling hidden files also??
Working as expected
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