How Can send mail using Send mail outlook 365 activity dynamically

Can anybody please tell me what should i write in process when sending mail using outlook 365 activity. I have to send dynamic mails to number of recipients.
Below is the screenshot for your reference. Also in the body section when i have to send mail as Is body as html cuz i have in converted tables in my mails.


Hi @kritik_vaishnav

The To field option allows only IEnumerable<String>
Create an Array<String> datatype variable and store the values in that variable.

- Assign -> Array_MailTo = {in_TransactionItem.SpecificContent("mailto").toString}

In the To field pass the Array Variable.

Hope it helps!!

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Hello ,
Thanks for the reply though i am taking my input from Excel sheet and taking argument as in_transactionItem in process. hence it is giving error as ‘Specific Content is not a member of datarow’.

can u pls suggest some another trick.

Thanks in advance.

Okay then do like this,

The To field option allows only IEnumerable<String>
Create an Array<String> datatype variable and store the values in that variable.

- Assign -> Array_MailTo = {in_TransactionItem("mailto").toString}

In the To field pass the Array Variable.

Check the below image for better understanding,

Hope you understand!!

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If you only enclose in curl braces it takes multipel emails also as one…

Say if you need to send mail to multiple recipients and they are separated by , then use the below


If separator is semi colon then chnge , to ;


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I hope you find the solution for your query, Make mark it as solution.

Happy Automation!! @kritik_vaishnav