prepare a datatable with build datatable, configure 2 cols: AA, BB - dtResult
Assign Activity
LHS: dtResult
(From d1 in dt1.AsEnumerable
Join d2 in dt2.AsEnumerable
On d1("AA").toString.Trim Equals d2("AA").toString.Trim
Let ra = new Object(){d1("AA"), d2("AA"})
Select r = dtResult.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable
In case of empty results we can defensive handle as well and avoid the empty row exception thrown by the CopyToDataTAble method
Kindly note:
are not matching so it will not be in the output. Maybe it was a typo
after a crosscheck we can state following from your samples:
3BB will match as it starts with at 2BBA
same for VALUE0 and VALUE01
For AA we can not work with startsWith rule and do need additonal rules e.g. a min length
A LINQ will leave using the Join Operator and could look like this
(From d1 In dt1.AsEnumerable
Let wm = dt2.AsEnumerable.Where(Function (x) x("AA").toString.Trim.StartsWith(d1("AA").ToString.Trim))
From d2 In wm
Where d2("AA").toString.Trim.Length > 2
Let ra = New Object(){d1("AA"), d2("AA")}
Select r = dtResult.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable
2 is just a threshold, but we would recommend recheck any match rule more close to your business case