I want to change the columns from B to F and C to E and like that … Can someone provide me an VBA or some macro to use ? I tried with below scenario
Copy the Sheet
Delete Original sheet’s data
Read columns and paste the data on the original sheet .
FYI - having an issue in column with Price in the data and also it is taking longer time to execute.
Try with this using execute macro activity
Include this in your excel file as a macro
Sub SwapColumns()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim tempRange As Range
' Specify the worksheet where you want to swap columns
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Change "Sheet1" to your sheet name
' Define the range of columns to be swapped
Set tempRange = ws.Range("B:B")
' Cut and insert the range to swap columns
ws.Columns("C:C").Insert Shift:=xlToRight
Application.CutCopyMode = False ' Clear the clipboard
' Repeat the process for other columns if needed (e.g., C to D, D to E, etc.)
' Adjust the range and columns as per your requirement
End Sub
Hope this helps
But If that swaps over the columns which has data in there so what about that data ? I mean confused there if it’s overriding the data then what about those previous data ? How can we get that for other columns where I want to re-write?
@Palaniyappan Can I do from other sheet ? How Can I copy the column from other sheet ? I mean I can do copy of the sheet and wipe out the data on original then We can create a macro to copy from the sheet to original sheet.
Does this make sense ?