How can I merge two PDFs with uipath & in loop

Hello Team,

I have 116 First page & 116 Second page. (First page is named as Invoice1,Invoice2,etc) (second page is named uniquelly).

I want to merge both files one by one.

Hi @Raks_K

You can use Join PDF files activity to join two PDF’s. Can you share what are the name formats of both the PDF’s and if possible share the screenshots if data is not confidential.


This activity comes under UiPath.PDF.Activities package


First page Invoice have names as Invoice_1.pdf…till Invoice_116.pdf

Second page Invoice Names are 10020_Raks, 50900_ABCDE, 78020_BSRS

Hi @Raks_K

Can you share some screenshots it will be easy to understand.


I have used split pdf from one bulk pdf. (Invoice_1) is first pages

Second page is names unique.


@vrdabberu @ashokkarale


How you identify and map two parts of the same PDF?

Invoices we name it as per naming format & it will name names as


This way we can identify that first file in PDF should be Invoice_ABSCED_30140_Rakshit then second file to merge is 30140_Rakshit.

When the file is merged we should see first file, followed by second file.

Hope it is clear?


I’m talking about input file logic. How you decide which two files will be merged into single?

Ashok :slight_smile: