How can I find out the first column's all the uiElement as a list or IENumerable

How can I find out the first column’s all the uiElement as a list or IENumerable

for example

for example
this is a table with 4row and 2col
I want to find out the second column’s all the uiElement as a list or IENumerable

all the uiElement called “Global”
imagetheir UIElement

thanks very much

Hi @jmy
Would you then like to iterate over all the UIElements and perform a particular action (click, etc)?

Normally this would be solved by figuring out a way to create a dynamic selector. For example, to automate a situation like this:
<html title='RandomTitle' /><webctrl class='DynamicSelector1' />
<html title='RandomTitle' /><webctrl class='DynamicSelector2' />
<html title='RandomTitle' /><webctrl class='DynamicSelector3' />
<html title='RandomTitle' /><webctrl class='DynamicSelector4' />

You could use a selector like this and feed it a variable in a loop:
<html title='RandomTitle' /><webctrl class='DynamicSelector" + integerVariable.ToString + "' />

In fact, to simply capture all the UI Elements you can use the exact same method.

it don’t have any variable in selector
for example
1line id=10
2line id=12
3line id=20


my question are in the top thanks