How can i delete rows that can be empty or not

I want to delete from Row A1 to Row A4, the row A1 is always empty in my work excel file


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Hi @Soudios ,

you can define condition like this String.IsNullorEmpty(row(0).ToString)
and Remove the row.


Remove row will not work if you use inside For Each row.

Check this

you can use datafilter activity to delete empty rows.

can you send me a screen of the process plz ?
I want to delete that rows and create a new sheet

Firstly you should read range activity. Output Datatable is your input in filter datatable activity. And you should write column name which is empty. Also you can add more than one column. I added screenshot for you to understand how to do it easy. Please feel free to write me if you have a question.

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Firstly you should read range activity. Output Datatable is your input in filter datatable activity. And you should write column name which is empty. Also you can add more than one column. I added screenshot for you to understand how to do it easy. Please feel free to write me if you have a question.