How can I add a picture

I am trying to add a picture to the mail body when use “send exchange mail…”,but I get the mail without the picture,the get mail body is blank.
This is my mail body:

‘ls_Body’ is a string variable with picture base 64.
The body string is ok ,I save the body string as a ‘.html’ file ,open with browser ,can get the picture. Also,if I use “send smtp mail…”,then can get the picture in the mail body.

Hi @maxzz

You can use “Send inline image” activity (Package name - UiPathTeam.OutlookInlineImage.Activities) . Pass the image path and add a placeholder in your email body input parameter as to where exactly you want the image to appear in your email body. Please refer the below screenshot for better understanding:




  • Use “Create HTML content Activity” (Package name - Uipath.Mail.Activities)
  • Use can upload the image and Create an Output_Variable
  • Use can use the Output_Variable in Mail “Body”

Thanks,This does work,but the package is uipath Official or custom?
And it needs to use my local outlook to send mail, maybe is not I want,is there any other way?

  • Send Inline Activity - Custom
  • Create HTML Content - official

And the second way ,which mail I get ,the picture is a white box:
But actually my picture looks like this:
I used ‘send exchange mail…’
Is it possible that the server of my outgoing mailbox has restricted this?

Hi @maxzz

  • Check the mail setting.

ok , I will.
Thank you