Hide TitleBar based on condition

Hi @UiPath_Community , In UiPath apps I want to hide title bar itself if Document1.dropdown or Document2.dropdown not equals “PAN Card”. Anybody has any idea how to do it? Currently I’m getting blank title bar in case of Document1.dropdown or Document2.dropdown not equals “PAN Card”.

Hi @ch460960

You can use the Hidden Property of the The Title bar and use the condition there.
Attaching the UiPath Legacy App showing the same.

Trial.uiapp (49.4 KB)

Please take a look at this.

Thank you!
Happy automation!

Hi @adiijaiin ,

I’m using ShowMessage in createRule section, To show I/p form of Aadhar card no matched with attachement Aadhar Card No, there isn’t any Hidden Property there. Please let me know if there are any other way.

Current o/p


Okay so you wanted to display the text in the Show Message rule.

yes, based on condition I want to hide that TitleBar instead of showing Null value

In the app that I shared, you should be able to see the Title bar, and You can use the expression in Title section as well.


I belive you need to use an if then else condition first…then in the then side of if use the show message option and on else side do nothing

I hope this helps
