Hi Team Need Regex for below string
String str=“This Resident Tenancy and Services Agreement (the “Agreement”) dated\r\n08/18/2024\r\nBETWEEN:\r\nAMICA UNIONVILLE\r\n(The “Owner”)\r\n- and -\r\nAuto MimiKH Farnklyn RJLYE\r\n(the “Resident”)\r\n- and -”
I need output as =08/18/2024
Regards Sai
Hi @Mada_Sai_Krishna
Try this
Thank you,
Can you help me in this another value required outputs as 1st output=AMICA UNIONVILLE second output as =Auto MimiKH Farnklyn RJLYE
please send the two regex for it’s really helpful
regards sai
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