Assume, i have data till cell “AA20”. i want to fill data in the next empty row. How cam i do please help me?
you can use append range, will work in this case
Hi @Rambabu_N ,
You can use index, you create a int32 variable intIndex
you can get last index you have data, next row it index+1
write cell data
AA20–> AA+intIndex.toString()
thank you. but next cell is “AB20” how can i find column “AB”?
You have a excel file, after read file you have data table,
if you want find A,B, …AA, BB… you can base on tilte of column,
ex: row(“examle”)
data.rowcount → last index
next row is index+1
Hi @Rambabu_N
Try this:
=> Read Range:
- Input: “Sheet1” (or the name of your sheet)
- Output: Create a DataTable variable, let’s call it “dtData”
=> Assign activity:
- To: Int32 variable, let’s call it “nextRowIndex”
- Value: dtData.Rows.Count + 21
=> For Each:
- Values: dtData.Columns
=> Write Cell:
- Input: “Sheet1”
CurrentColumn.ColumnName + nextRowIndex.ToString
(Your data value for the current column) - This writes your data to the corresponding cell in the next row
Hope it helps!!