Help required in replacing a value from a column based on a condition

Hi Everyone,

Need urgent help on below instance.

I have a datatable with 27 columns I want to check that in a column “Policy value” if value starts with “Windows” then replace old value with new value.

ex- Windows - abc - def
replaced value - WIndows – abc – def.

I need a Linq query approach for this.

Thanks in advance !

@ppr can you help here?

hi @Yoichi , can you help here ?



Basically, the following code will work in InvokeCode activity.

If row("Policy value").ToString.StartsWith("Windows") Then
    row("Policy value")="New value"
End If
End Sub

I couldn’t get your requirement regarding replacement. Can you elaborate?


Hi @Yoichi,

This For Each solution I have tried but is a bit slow.

Requirement is, in a Datatable which has 27 columns there is a column named Check Description I want to check if the item starts with Windows I want to replace “-” value with a EN - Dash value in that row and output the final datatable.

Let me know if you got the requirement or i Can elaborate more.



Do you mean you already tried this using InvokeCode activity?


Yes, Tried using invoke code activity.



I think InvokeCode is one of the fastest ways in UiPath. It might be difficult to improve performance more.

    If row("Policy value").ToString.StartsWith("Windows") Then
        row("Policy value")=row("Policy value").Replace("-","EN -")
    End If
End Sub


Filter rows first and update the affected ones afterwards

Thankyou @ppr and @Yoichi for your solutions and suggestion !

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