Help: Getting error in IF Expression

I am new to UiPath and getting following error can anyone help me in this issue?



The expression you provided has a syntax error. In UiPath, the correct syntax for an If activity expression is as follows:

If("john" = "john", "True", "False")

Vinit Mhatre

Hi @Random_Bot

Use the below,


Check the below image for better understanding,

Hope it helps!!

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Thanks @Vinit_Mhatre and @mkankatala for your help

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Hi @Random_Bot

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It’s my pleasure,

Don’t give double quotes to True and False like this “True”,“False”. It will take it as a String.
If you give with out double quotes like this True, False. It will consider it like a boolean.

Do changes as your need. @Random_Bot

Happy Automation!!

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Actually i need to print string as my output, i dont need it as boolean

Then you can use that solution what you have marked. @Random_Bot

Happy Automation!!

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