Hello friends.
be patient … I have been on uipath for 3 days,
and I have no great programming notions. (I should do something else, but to live … I adapt myself).
So, I’ve read all your suggestions.
I downloaded and tried to adapt your scripts to my work.
I’m sure there is a more elegant and smooth way to get the result, but …
something happened.
First of all, I would like to say that I have changed the condition.
I no longer look for files that end with “_filed.xlsx”
but those that begin with “[Filed].” with any extension.
The goal is always the same.
Store these files, adding [Filed]. and today’s date.
(the date, at the beginning or at the end, is indifferent)
At the moment I’m stuck here:
Now, don’t be afraid of what I’m about to show:
This is my list of variables, Surely some double, useless, redundant … wrong … a real catastrophe …
(I will do cleaning at the end)… but it works. (almost).
I was able to copy the files, adding the word: “[Filed].” + Name + Extension
I get an error when I add the date.
RemoteException wrapping System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path ‘C:\Users\aaron\Desktop\exx[Filed].06/08/2019 AAAA.xlsm’.
ToD is the variable, which should write today’s date. dd / mm / yyyy
assign value: Now.ToString(“dd/MM/yyyy”)
and in Type: String
After being unearthed, for the horror displayed in my script,
Can anyone help me?
I would like to add the date, which I specifically converted to String.
If I tell him to display it in a box, it works. Not here.
Next step, it will move these files, in “New folder”,
but, one step at a time.
Sorry for the excessively long post.